How long do custom earplugs last?

Frequently Asked Questions


How long do custom earplugs last?

Custom earplugs last for the life of the product, which is typically around 3-5 years. Melody Audiology offers a variety of custom earplugs to meet your needs. Call us today to learn more about our custom earplugs.


It’s essential to replace your earplugs when they show signs of wear, damage, or if they no longer provide a snug fit. Here are indicators that it might be time to change your earplugs:

  1. Visible Wear and Tear: Check for any cracks, tears, or changes in the shape or texture of the earplugs. Physical damage can compromise their effectiveness.
  2. Loss of Flexibility: If the earplugs have become stiff or less flexible, they might not fit properly anymore, reducing their ability to block out noise effectively.
  3. Discoloration: Any change in color or unusual discoloration, especially if it’s due to dirt or debris that can’t be cleaned off, may indicate the need for replacement.
  4. Reduced Effectiveness: If you notice increased noise passing through while wearing the earplugs, it could mean they’ve lost their ability to block sound effectively.
  5. Hygiene Concerns: Earplugs should be cleaned regularly, but if they accumulate dirt, wax, or debris that can’t be removed, it might be time to replace them for hygiene reasons.
  6. Fit Issues: Earplugs might lose shape or elasticity over time, resulting in an improper fit. If they no longer seal the ear canal effectively, it’s time to consider new ones.

Regular inspection and maintenance of your earplugs are crucial. If you use disposable earplugs, replace them according to the manufacturer’s guidelines or if they show any signs of wear. For custom-moulded earplugs, they generally last longer but should still be checked periodically for wear and tear, especially if you use them regularly. When in doubt about the condition of your earplugs, it’s better to err on the side of caution and replace them to ensure proper protection and effectiveness.

How long do custom earplugs last?
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