Can I wear hearing aids while swimming?

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I wear hearing aids while swimming?

No, it is not recommended to wear hearing aids while swimming or taking a shower as the device can be damaged by water. Waterproof hearing aids or special swimming earplugs may be available for certain individuals with hearing loss.

Swimming with waterproof hearing aids has revolutionized the experience for individuals with hearing loss, enabling them to enjoy water activities without sacrificing sound quality or risking damage to their devices. These hearing aids are designed to withstand submersion, making them ideal for swimming, water sports, and even showering, thereby reducing the fear of water damage that comes with traditional hearing aids. With advanced technology, these waterproof models ensure clear sound transmission and reception, even in challenging aquatic environments, enhancing safety and communication. They often come with specialized features such as water-resistant coatings and tight seals to protect sensitive electronic components from moisture. For swimmers with hearing impairments, this means being able to engage fully in social and recreational activities in the water, fostering a sense of inclusion and freedom. Manufacturers have also focused on comfort and discretion, offering designs that are both functional and stylish for all age groups, thus encouraging more people with hearing loss to participate confidently in aquatic activities.

Can I wear hearing aids while swimming?
In the Ear Hearing Aids

Hearing Assessments

Hearing Aids

Hearing loss can deeply affect daily life and connections. Meet with a registered hearing aid practitioners to protect your hearing for you and your loved ones.