Can hearing aids help tinnitus?

Frequently Asked Questions


Can hearing aids help tinnitus?

Although hearing aids cannot completely eliminate tinnitus, they can provide assistance by amplifying sounds, allowing sufferers to tolerate the persistent ringing in their ears better. If you are experiencing tinnitus, we advise that you book a consultation with us to receive personalized recommendations for managing your condition.

Hearing aids can alleviate tinnitus symptoms by amplifying external sounds, which can help mask or reduce the perception of the internal ringing or buzzing sound in the ears. They also improve overall hearing ability, which can make it easier for individuals to hear external sounds and communicate with others, reducing the feeling of isolation that tinnitus can sometimes cause. Additionally, some hearing aids come equipped with specific features designed to address tinnitus, such as sound therapy programs that provide soothing sounds or music to distract from the ringing. However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of hearing aids in managing tinnitus can vary depending on the individual case, so it’s important to consult with aaudiologist to determine the best treatment plan for you.

Can hearing aids help tinnitus?
Tinnitus Care Program Edmonton Featured Image Melody Audiology Clinic

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