What types of hearing aids can be used with custom ear molds?

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What types of hearing aids can be used with custom ear molds?

Custom ear molds can be used with various types of hearing aids, including Behind-The-Ear (BTE), Receiver-In-Canal (RIC), and In-The-Ear (ITE) models. BTE and RIC hearing aids are particularly well-suited for custom ear molds as they sit behind or on top of the ear, with a tube or wire leading into the ear canal where the custom mold is placed. ITE hearing aids are also compatible with custom molds, as these devices are entirely contained within the ear. The adaptability of custom ear molds makes them a versatile option for many hearing aid users, regardless of the style of hearing aid they prefer or require.

What types of hearing aids can be used with custom ear molds?
In the Ear Hearing Aids

Hearing Assessments

Hearing Aids

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