What other services does Melody Audiology offer?

Frequently Asked Questions


What other services does Melody Audiology offer?

At Melody Audiology, we offer a variety of hearing-related services, such as hearing loss treatments, hearing tests, hearing aid fittings, follow-up visits, and repairs. We also provide tinnitus evaluations and counselling, complimentary hearing evaluations (65 years +), practical listening products, advanced hearing aid technology, tinnitus training devices, hearing tests for police applicants, and lifetime service of care.

Tinnitus is often associated with the auditory nerve, also known as the cochlear nerve. This nerve is a key component of the auditory system, responsible for transmitting sound signals from the cochlea in the inner ear to the brain. When there is damage or dysfunction in the ear, such as exposure to loud noise, age-related hearing loss, or other ear conditions, it can affect the hair cells in the cochlea. These hair cells typically convert sound vibrations into electrical signals that are sent via the auditory nerve to the brain. If these cells are damaged, they can send incorrect or random signals, leading to the perception of sound when there is no external noise, which is experienced as tinnitus.

What other services does Melody Audiology offer?
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Hearing Assessments

Hearing Test

Hearing changes can be subtle but impactful. Our dedicated team offers comprehensive hearing tests to detect these changes early, empowering you to stay connected and enjoy life’s moments to the fullest.