What does a hearing test involve?

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What does a hearing test involve?

A hearing test, also known as an audiometric test, involves a series of examinations conducted by an audiologist to assess a person’s hearing capabilities. The process typically starts with a visual inspection of the ear using an otoscope to check for any physical blockages or abnormalities that could affect hearing. Patients are then subjected to various types of tests using specialized equipment.

Common types of hearing tests encompass a variety of evaluations designed to assess different aspects of auditory function. Pure Tone Audiometry measures the quietest sounds a person can hear at various frequencies, providing a detailed profile of hearing sensitivity. Speech Audiometry evaluates the ability to understand speech, including tests for speech recognition thresholds and clarity of word discrimination. Tympanometry examines the middle ear’s function by measuring eardrum responses to air pressure changes, useful for identifying issues like fluid buildup or eardrum perforations. Acoustic Reflex Testing assesses the reflex contraction of the middle ear muscles in response to loud sounds, helping pinpoint the hearing problem’s location along the auditory pathway. Otoacoustic Emissions (OAEs) test for sounds emitted by the inner ear in response to auditory stimuli, indicating cochlear health. Lastly, Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) measures electrical activity in the auditory nerve and brainstem, crucial for diagnosing hearing loss in infants and others unable to undergo conventional testing. Collectively, these tests provide a comprehensive evaluation of hearing health, aiding in the diagnosis and management of hearing impairments.

What does a hearing test involve?
Hearing Test Edmonton Featured Image Melody Audiology Clinic

Hearing Assessments

Hearing Test

Hearing changes can be subtle but impactful. Our dedicated team offers comprehensive hearing tests to detect these changes early, empowering you to stay connected and enjoy life’s moments to the fullest.