Can I wear hearing aids in both ears or just one?

Frequently Asked Questions


Can I wear hearing aids in both ears or just one?

Yes, you can wear hearing aids in both ears or just one, depending on your hearing loss needs. If you have hearing loss in both ears, wearing two hearing aids is often recommended because it can help with sound localization and provide a more natural hearing experience. Binaural (two-ear) hearing aids can improve understanding in noisy environments and balance sounds. However, a single hearing aid may be sufficient if hearing loss is only present in one ear. Ultimately, the decision should be based on a thorough hearing evaluation conducted by an audiologist or hearing specialist. They can advise on the best approach tailored to your hearing loss profile and lifestyle needs.

Hearing aids that are virtually invisible to others are known as “invisible-in-the-canal” (IIC) or “completely-in-the-canal” (CIC) hearing aids. These devices are custom-fitted to sit deeply within the ear canal, making them nearly or entirely unseen when worn. IIC and CIC models are designed for users seeking a discreet hearing solution without compromising on the quality of sound amplification. Despite their small size, they are equipped with advanced technology to provide clear sound quality and can be tailored to match individual hearing loss patterns. However, their diminutive size might limit battery life and the availability of additional features, such as directional microphones or wireless connectivity, compared to larger models. It’s essential to consult with an audiologist to determine if invisible hearing aids are suitable for your specific hearing needs, as they may not be appropriate for all types of hearing loss.

Can I wear hearing aids in both ears or just one?
In the Ear Hearing Aids

Hearing Assessments

Hearing Aids

Hearing loss can deeply affect daily life and connections. Meet with a registered hearing aid practitioners to protect your hearing for you and your loved ones.