Does Melody Audiology offer complimentary hearing evaluations?

Frequently Asked Questions


Does Melody Audiology offer complimentary hearing evaluations?

Yes, Melody Audiology offers complimentary hearing evaluations to those 65 and over. Contact us today to book an appointment!

During a hearing evaluation, it’s essential to communicate and ask questions to ensure you understand the process and your hearing health. Here are some questions you might consider asking:

  1. Explanation of the Process:
    • Can you explain each step of the evaluation?
    • How long will the evaluation take?
    • Will there be any discomfort or pain during the assessment?
  2. Understanding Results and Diagnosis:
    • What do the different tests assess?
    • How will the results be interpreted?
    • What might be the potential causes if any hearing loss is detected?
  3. Treatment and Management:
    • If there’s a hearing loss, what treatment options are available?
    • Would hearing aids or other devices be recommended?
    • Are there lifestyle changes or habits that could improve my hearing health?
  4. Preventive Measures:
    • Are there steps I can take to prevent further hearing loss?
    • Can you guide me on protecting my hearing in noisy environments?
  5. Follow-Up and Monitoring:
    • How often should I get my hearing checked?
    • What signs or changes should I watch that might indicate a need for reevaluation?
  6. Insurance Coverage and Costs:
    • Will my insurance cover the evaluation and any recommended treatments?
    • Are there any costs I should be aware of?
  7. Communication Strategies:
    • Are there strategies or tools to help me communicate better if I have hearing difficulties?
  8. Any Other Concerns:
    • Is there anything else I should know or consider regarding my hearing health?
Does Melody Audiology offer complimentary hearing evaluations?
Hearing Test Edmonton Featured Image Melody Audiology Clinic

Hearing Assessments

Hearing Test

Hearing changes can be subtle but impactful. Our dedicated team offers comprehensive hearing tests to detect these changes early, empowering you to stay connected and enjoy life’s moments to the fullest.